Child Proof Your Brand-New Investment Property Floors With 4 Smart Ideas

Posted on: 26 July 2017

Young families make great tenants because they tend to stay for longer, which reduces the time you'll have to spend finding new residents for your investment property. But some challenges come with renting to families with young kids. They can damage or dirty your floors if you're not careful, which is the last thing you want for a new property. Remodelling experts can help you childproof your brand-new investment property floors with these smart ideas.

Choose Soft Floors To Ensure Minimal Accidents

Kids are mischievous and adventurous, but that just comes with the territory. This means that they are prone to slips and falls, so it's probably best to start by choosing softer floors like cork and vinyl that will protect children from injuries. Cork and textured vinyl floors are also resistant to slips, which makes them excellent flooring choices when you rent out your new investment property to young families.

Make Sure Floors Are Easy To Maintain

Floors that are easy to clean and maintain are also popular with young families because taking care of kids is a full-time proposition –– leaving parents with hardly any time to do household chores. Materials like cork and vinyl are easy to clean, requiring a simple wipe down in case of food and drink spills. They are also typically resistant to the growth of mould and mildew, which make them excellent, low-maintenance choices.

Choose Darker Floor Colours

It's a well-known fact that lighter floors will display stains and imperfections more easily than darker floors. If you choose light floors for your investment property, chances are they will start to look dull and timeworn much faster than darker colour choices will. You can even choose floors with patterns or textures in order to better conceal imperfections on them.

Avoid Overspending On Flooring

Floor prices can greatly vary based on the type of material you choose. When you're renting out your new investment property to young families, it's best to choose budget- and kid-friendly choices that will give you the most bang for your buck. Flooring choices like cork, vinyl, and laminate are lower in cost than floor materials like hardwood and tile. This makes them good options for your investment property. Laminate starts from $25 per square metre and budget vinyl from $30 per square metre, in comparison to solid timber at $170 per square metre.

A remodelling expert will help you adopt these smart ideas when you're looking to rent out a brand-new investment property to young families.


Updating Your Home

Welcome to my blog! My name is Brian and I will be writing about how to update your home. Last year, I was watching TV and I saw a film which was set the 1980s. I was enjoying the film when I suddenly realised that the interior of my home looked more or less the same as the interior of the 1980s style home in the film. I decided I had to take action to fix this, so I called in a team of remodelling contractors. The contractors helped me to design a modern look and then carried out the work on my behalf. I am really happy with teh results.


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